marți, 20 decembrie 2011

Fossils Pictures: Fossils and geode

 20.11.2011 Fossils hunting day. And great results... you can see here: 
One big geode:

Different fossil corals (unwashed)

Different shells :

duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

Fossils Pictures: Fossils Images

I must point out that the Fossils Pictures blog is exactly what the name says : a blog with images of fossils.
If you want more information and pictures about different fossils you can look also on my Fossilcorals.blogspot . 

sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011

Fossils: What Are Fossils?

Fossils are the remains of animals and plants that had lived and died when a layer of rock was still mud. These layers of rocks are pages in the Earth' s book, filled with Pictures of the fossilized animals and plants. The Fossilization  process is caled Taphonomy .
Two different kinds of fossils can be distinguished : body fossils and trace fossils. The first one reveals the body structure of the organism. The second one, reveals the activities of the entity.

Fossilized body Corals :

Traces fossils :

It is from the fossils that we have learned (and still we learn ) about the plants and animals that have lived on the Earth, millions years ago.